What is Hospice
and when should I consider it for my loved one?
Hospice is specialized care that focuses on the palliation of a terminally ill patient. Premier Hospice utilizes a holistic approach to prioritize the physiological, emotional and spiritual needs at the end of life. The focus of hospice is to enable patients to be comfortable and free of pain, so that they live each day as fully as possible.
Quality of Life
Quality of life is a term commonly used when trying to help patients and families make decisions concerning care near the end of life. It is very important to our Premier Hospice family that our patients lead fulfilling lives.
When to Consider Hospice
Diagnosis of a life limiting illness
Your doctor decides the patient’s life expectancy is 6 months or less.
Patient decline
Current curative treatment is no longer an option or patient has decided to stop treatment
When You Should Consider Hospice Care
Diminished functional status
Increased weakness, fatigue, drowsiness
Decreased appetite
Progressive weight loss
Progressive decline despite medical therapies
Multiple hospitalizations/frequent ER visits
Uncontrolled Pain
Uncontrolled nausea/vomiting
Increasing dyspnea
Oxygen dependency
Recurrent infections
Decline in mental status
Qualifying Diagnoses
End Stage Cancer
End Stage Pulmonary Disease
End Stage Heart Disease
End Stage Alzheimer's Disease/Dementia
CVA (Cerebrovascular Disease)/Stroke
End Stage Acute Renal Disease
End Stage Chronic Renal Disease
End Stage Liver Disease
ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease)
Parkinson's Disease
End Stage HIV Infection/AIDS
Contact Us:
If your loved one has any of the above listed diagnoses or one or more of the listed symptoms, please contact us.
Where to Begin:
To begin hospice care, a referring physician and the Medical Director must agree that a patient has a:
Terminal diagnosis
Prognosis up to six months, assuming the disease runs its normal course (Six-month prognoses can be renewed, leading to hospice stays lasting longer than six months.)
CMS urges early referrals of terminally ill patients for hospice care, noting:
Prognoses do not have to be certain, as some end-stage conditions have unpredictable courses
Patients may initially improve in hospice
Patients may be in hospice longer than six months